-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ipbom] IPB News 26 June 2009 + Calendar [2 Attachments]
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:56:41 +0200
From: Colin Archer
[Attachment(s) <#TopText> from Colin Archer included below]
*IPB News*
/ //WWW: Working for a World Without War/
*International Peace Bureau
** * June
26^th 2009
*_IPB Annual Conference ミ Washington D.C., Nov 14-18, 2009_** __*
*As the new U.S. administration has revived the hopes of peace activists
inside and outside the USA, this conference, co-organized with Peace
Action, will be a great opportunity to intensify partnerships, share
views and lobby decision makers on the theme: /Rolling back militarism:
a task for the global movement/. The programme will include a central
conference and a day-seminar on military spending. The schedule is still
open so suggestions are welcome. The conference flyer and a news update
are available at the IPB website. Registration will open after the
summer break. *
* *
*_Disarmament for Development programme_** __*
*In 2005 IPB launched a major new programme, designed to reflect
widespread public concern at the rapid rise in global military spending
(totalling $1464 billion in 2008); and the evidence that weapons -- such
as small arms, cluster bombs, landmines -- seriously impede sustainable
development. Post 9-11, the failure of military solutions should be
obvious to all. IPB advocates reductions in defence budgets and the
adoption of a 'human security' approach. Activities organised in pursuit
of these goals include: seminars, publications, website, e-newsletter,
exhibitions and a media programme. National and international networks
are gradually being developed.*
Military Spending
* *
*The Pentagon's Multibillion Dollar Proposal to Tackle Cyberwar*
The Pentagon turns its focus to the war in cyberspace as President Obama
and his staff plan to coordinate a multi-billion dollar initiative to
manage and protect government systems from the security threat of
individual hackers and sometimes foreign governments. Obama is expected
to sign a classified order that will create a military cyber-command,
which has raised debates about national security and the interests of
private contractors who have been enticed by military contracting. For
more please visit:
* *
*Deepak Chopra's Nine Steps to Convert the USA to a Peace Economy*
Renowned author and one of the great leaders of mind-body medicine,
Deepak Chopra, has written a letter to President Obama with advice on
how to foster a peace-based economy within the United States, rather
than one built on militarism and national defense. With his nine points,
Deepak hopes to stress that the importance of the positive future of
society will be based on peace and not on the exploits of war.
* *
*Former Presidential candidate, George McGovern, gives advice to Obama*
In a statement addressing President Obama and the current state of US
military spending, McGovern offers very relevant advice, concluding that
the US can defend itself on half the military budget it is spending.
McGovern suggests allocating US funds to other areas of the US agenda
that are in need of attention, such as environment and education. He
also gives further advice regarding the removal of troops from
Afghanistan and Iraq as well as on battling terrorism. To read the
statement in more detail, visit:
* *
*Cyber petition re the French Loi de Programmation Militaire, 2009-2014*
*IPB member organization, Mouvement de la Paix, recently launched a
cyber petition addressed to the French government urging the
cancellation of its proposed increases in military expenditures from
2009-2014. The parliament vote was on June 15^th . The Mouvement de la
Paix aims to not only increase awareness about this government
initiative, but also to ban the program being passed into law. To access
cyber petition go to: *
* *
*Israel** Bucks Trends and Raises Taxes and Defense Spending*
*Despite the global trends of countries struggling with the economic
crisis and therefore considering reduction of their national budgets,
the new Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu plans to increase
defense spending. The justification is to respond to continued security
threats from Hamas in the Gaza strip, and from Iran. Obama's plans to
cut aid to Israel mean that the Israeli government will fund this
increase by using its indigenous defense industry. More at:
* *
*Gates: More Missile Defense Spending Possible*
*Current US Defense secretary, Robert Gates, is considering the
possibility of spending more on missile defense in order to protect the
country against national security threats from countries such as North
Korea and Iran. However, President Obama has expressed scepticism about
this plan, which might lead to him to reduce the project's scope.
(Source: report from AP). *
* *
*Women Legislators Call for Cuts to Military Budget*
Sharmini Peries, a journalist with TRNN, interviews Senator Nan Orrock
about the state of US military spending. Senator Orrock is calling for
a reduction in discretionary spending by the Pentagon. She believes
excessive military spending distorts the economy and is not in the best
interest of the US domestically and internationally. The Senator also
discusses Obama's military spending versus the previous Bush
Administration's military spending habits. To watch this interview,
please visit:
* *
Nuclear Weapons
*Success for the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva*
March 29, 2009 marked an achievement for the Geneva Conference on
Disarmement after over a decade of stalemate. Headed by the President,
Amb. Jazairy of Algeria, the Conference delegates successfully agreed
upon a consensus document that would establish working groups on four
core issues and special coordinators on three other agenda items. There
is much future work to be done, but this occasion was a true landmark in
furthering the cause. For background information, and delegates'
responses to the successful outcome, go to:
*New Canadian Youth Website Against Nuclear Weapons: Seriously, Time to
/Seriously, Time to Stop/ has sponsored a competition to speak out
against nuclear weapons. Please visit,
entry video. To watch other entries, please visit,
*Abolition 2000 launches new initiative - The Nuclear Abolition Flame*
The Abolition Nuclear Flame is a symbolic 'flame' devised to increase
awareness about nuclear abolition. It is inspired, in part, by the
Hiroshima Flame kindled over 50 years ago, which was in commemoration of
the two nuclear bombings of Japan. Everyone can be a part of spreading
the nuclear abolition flame by joining the web portal and/or sending
letters to the US and Russian Presidents. To join this movement, please
go to: http://www.abolitionflame.org/
*Mikhail Gorbachev on North Korea test - Don't make it Worse***
Gorbachev calls for six-party talks and political action to be enacted
regarding the new wave of nuclear testing in North Korea. He states
that despite speculation as to North Korea's motivations, diplomatic
action must be taken rather than switching to a military response
against North Korea. Full text at:
Weapons and their effects
*Countries Destroying Cluster Bomb Stockpiles: results*
Several of the 96 countries who signed the treaty December 2008 to ban
cluster bombs have now started to destroy their stockpiles even before
the treaty has been ratified. These governments have moved from
defending the use of cluster munitions to signing a treaty against them.
With the treaty coming into force six months after its ratification,
these governments who support the treaty hope that hold-outs such as the
US, China and Russia will sign the treaty as well.
*While Condemning Sri Lanka Violence, EU still sells arms to government*
The EU recently called for an international inquiry into violations of
human rights during the fighting in Sri Lanka. And yet....apparently,
several European nations have been supplying the Sri Lankan government
with arms -- despite the fact that EU governments ban the selling of
weapons to conflict zones. To read more, visit:
*India**: Uranium mining/processing in Jadugoda, severely indicted for
its health impact on local communities***
The Uranium plant in Jadugoda
is regarded as suspect for causing several severe health problems within
the local communities. Also, there have been discrepancies in
environmental and health reports dealing with the matter, which, as
activists point out, suggests skewed and tampered evidence.
Other news
* *
*Rotary West African Peace Initiative*
Travelling through 15 West African nations in order to promote peace,
unity and reconciliation between West African nations affected by war,
the Rotary Peace Caravan
build eight peace huts alongside West African community members.
*World Peace March to Start from most Peaceful Nation on Earth!*
World Without Wars have decided to start the Peace march
Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, October 2^nd . The peace march will commence
in New Zealand
traverse 95 countries and culminate in Argentina. Coinciding with this
monumentous global project will be thousands of events, such as forums,
festivals and concerts. See World March websites: International
*IPB staffer moving on*
Many IPB members will remember our good friend *Silvi Sterr*, who has
been a loyal member of the IPB staff team for the last 5 years. Prior to
working for IPB she was for a while the Secretary-General of the Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in Geneva. Then in
2004-5 she became the Coordinator of our *Women in Peacemaking* project,
which combined a number of public events celebrating the life of Bertha
von Suttner (IPB Vice-President and Nobel Peace laureate 1905) with
outreach to, and support of, contemporary peace-women in Central and
Eastern Europe. Since then she has been an active volunteer at the IPB
HQ, helping build our Disarmament for Development project. Silvi is now
returning to her native Munich to take up a position at a community
health centre. We wish her all the best in the next stage of her career.
*Launch of "Banning Cluster Munitions"*
A new report has been released detailing how the ban on cluster
munitions, achieved through the 2006 "Oslo Process", was successful
through cooperative efforts of committed States, nternational
organizations and civil society. The report
which was released on May 29, 2009 also serves to show the evolution of
cluster munitions policy in 150 countries.
*New IPB Brochure on Arms Trade*
We are happy to announce the publication of a new IPB brochure entitled:
/The Arms Trade: How it works - How it undermines development - Getting
it under control. /Written by IPB staffer Alicia Dueck, it serves as a
useful introduction to the complex issues relating to the arms trade.
The text links the issue closely to IPB's main programme Disarmament for
Development. It has a useful listing of NGOs and institutes working on
the problem, and some useful 'quick facts' and charts. The publication
was launched at the recent meeting of the European Network Against Arms
Trade (ENAAT) in Barcelona.
Available on line at www.ipb.org
by post from IPB secretariat (please send contribution to cover costs,
such as 50 CHF/30 Euro for 10 copies). Please distribute this
information widely.
Click here
IPBユs international events calendar. For disarmament events, go to the
comprehensive Disarmament Calendars of UN and other inter-governmental,
grassroots and civil society events in key cities compiled by the Geneva
*/If you have reports of activities that are relevant to this newsletter
please email them to the Secretariat./*
To subscribe to or unsubscribe from this newsletter please email:
*Editor:* This newsletter was edited by *Colin Archer*
*International Peace Bureau*, 41 Rue de Zurich, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 22 731 6429 / Fax + 41 22 738 9419 *www.ipb.org*
Attachment(s) from Colin Archer
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From: (Mr) Colin Archer, Secretary-General, International Peace Bureau,
41 rue de Zurich, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland. Tel: +41-22-731-6429, Fax:
738-9419 Email: mailbox@ipb.org Web: www.ipb.org
The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World
Without War. We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910) and over the years 13
of our officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. Our 276
member organisations in 70 countries, and individual members, form a
global network bringing together expertise and campaigning experience in
a common cause. Our current main programme centres on Sustainable
Disarmament for Sustainable Development. We welcome your participation.
IPB needs your support! To make an online donation go to
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